Monday, March 10, 2014

How to find a working hack?

For most online video game players, you know that the games are usually free to play but later on require you to play a little, in order to get a little. The features of these free to play games are usually very limited unless you drop a few bucks on it. You don't got access to certain maps, limited weapon choices, and sometimes even an entire mode isn't accessible. So with this article, you will learn how to get some of does locked features for free using generators and hacks.

If you know what I'm talking about, you might have already tried to go onto Youtube and search a hack for the game you're playing. Since i'm psychic i can predict that you found many results no matter what game it is, and also know that you probably tried to download one of these bots but they wanted you to fill out a survey before you got it. And after all the trouble you went through trying to download it, the thing didn't even work. Well that's kind of how the game goes, you will not always find a working hack, so I'm going to go over where to look for real hacks, how to tell if its fake or not, and how to get past content lockers.

So the the first place to search is indeed Youtube, but you must do it right. When searching make sure to pay close attention to the comments. Although comments can be blocked and faked, this is still a great indicator whether or not the generator is even real. If there is very few comments and there all good things, its fake. If there is a lot of comments and most of it is good comments, its probably real. Make sure to search through these comments and make your choice based off of what you think. Ask yourself would someone really comment this? And how new is this video? Also ask yourself if this guy has any other videos or profile comments. Using that info you can make a pretty accurate decision. Lastly, look at the video and look at how the bot looks. If it looks crappy or poorly made, its fake.

The truly best place to find hacks is on forums. Look on forums related to your game, and open up a topic about the bot and ask if its real, or if anyone has anyone tested it. If they say its fake, it is most likely fake. Also look around on that forum if they have any other topics about hacks. If you don't want to do the other two try using Google to find a hack. Now doing this is harder, since its difficult to tell whether or not a program is real. I recommend contacting the author, and if he replies, its real. Another way is to Google that website name and see what comes up, if there are any negative reviews, it is not real.

Now if you done all of the above and found a download that looks real but you're now having trouble getting past this content locker the trick to it is to delete your cache and cookies, turn of ad blocker, enable javascript, and then try to complete the offer again. I recommend using a brand new email for doing this, and make sure you fill out every form and leave nothing blank. Use 100% real info, you don't need to use your name or address but make sure its real. Also use a believable name and email.

To wrap this post up, just remember, use the internet to help you. Ask questions on forums and yahoo answers, and read comments. Email the author of the post or video, see what he says. When doing the survey use real info, a new email, and make it look real. Fill it out until you cannot anymore. Good luck and read more of posts for some working hacks.

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